Created: 09 Mar 2020 / Categories: Agency / 0 Views / 3 Comments 

If anyone had found it, they probably would have purchased.Yes. It was that good.But, all of that copy and design is worthless if people can’t find the website.If someone’s going to buy from it, they first have to visit.So its marketers did some research and found that 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine.

“Ah!” they said to each other, “We need our website to rank in search engines to generate passive traffic to our website.”“But how?” they thought to themselves.Well, the first thing they tried was paid search. They paid Google to place their ad at the top of the SERPs when consumers searched for certain keywords.

And while that helped, they didn’t seem to be getting the portion of the traffic they were expecting.So they did some more research and found that organic results, instead of paid results, get 70% of clicks. “Ah!” they thought. “We need to rank organically to generate more traffic.”Again, they asked themselves how.Eventually, the marketers found that they need to communicate with the search engines to increase their rankings. And to do that, they need to speak the language of SEO.Namely, they need to know HTML tags.
Here’s what they learned.

1. Title tag
This is arguably the most important tag that you need to be familiar with when it comes to increasing your rankings. For any search engine to rank your website, it needs to know what your content is about, what each page is about, and what your site as a whole is about. The title tag describes the topic of each page or piece of content on your website. And it does it in a way that search engines can understand.

2. Meta description tag
Right after the title tag, the meta tag is an absolute must for anyone who is serious about their SEO. Think of the meta description as the synopsis on the back of a book. The title is the heading, and the meta description is the extra couple sentences of information that further describe what the content is about. If you do this right, your meta description will not only help you rank well on Google, but it will also sell the “click” with compelling copy. Here’s where the meta description shows up in a Google result.

3. Header tags
Header tags are really easy to include in your content. They don’t go anywhere special. They go right into the content itself. Actually, look above at the bolded text next to the number three that says, “header tags.” That entire line is an h2 tag. There are several different header tags. Depending on your format, you might have h1, h2, h3, and sometimes h4 or even h5. These will get progressively smaller and make for great headings and subheadings to organize your content.

about author

Godwill Barasa

Founder, CEO

As a self-taught developer from a tender age of 13, I was introduced to coding by my elder developer brother to HTML Tutorials. 8 years later as I finish my Bachelor of Business Information Technology, I have had the opportunity to work with clients from real estate, fashion and cool personalities like Boniface Mwangi and Huddah Monroe websites: from tourism and hospitality to law firms with diverse races and nationality.


john doe

31 December 2019 / 10:00 PM


maria milano

31 December 2019 / 10:00 PM


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