
SEO Rules for HTML Pages

Created: 09 Mar 2015 / Categories: Agency

If anyone had found it, they probably would have purchased.Yes. It was that good.But, all of that copy and design is worthless if people can’t find the website....

Introduction to Gatsby

Created: 09 Mar 2020 / Categories: Agency

Gatsby is a React-based, GraphQL powered, static site generator. What does that even mean? Well, it weaves together the best parts of React, webpack, react-router, ...

Is Wordpress dead?

Created: 09 Mar 2020 / Categories: Agency

First I want to clear up the confusion between WordPress.com and WordPress.org. WordPress is WordPress right? Not really. Both are owned by Automattic, ...

Front-End trends 2020

Created: 09 Mar 2020 / Categories: Agency

Sounding smart at your team's lunch talks is obviously a great reason to stay updated with the latest frontend trends. It might even help you become ...
